The core function of iVCam is video transmission and video decoding.
Regarding video transmission, USB transmission has no special requirements for computers, while wireless transmission needs to take up the intranet bandwidth of the computer (not related to the Internet bandwidth), and needs a better network (mainly needs a better router).
Regarding video decoding, by default iVCam uses the video card for decoding. The higher the video resolution and frame rate, the higher the GPU usage, so it is recommended to choose the right resolution and frame rate, not just 4K 60fps.
Commonly used graphics cards such as NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti/760 and above, AMD Radeon R9 285 and above, and Intel integrated graphics cards all support video hardware decoding (including H.264 and HEVC). If the video card doesn't support or hardware decoding is not enabled, iVCam will use the CPU to decode the video, which will take up CPU resources. If the video card supports it, it is recommended to enable hardware decoding (either in the context menu or in the options settings).
If you want to use the background removal function, you need Windows 10 or above OS and a graphics card that supports DirectX 12.
DirectX 12 is supported by popular graphics cards such as NVIDIA Geforce GTX 900 series and above, AMD Radeon RX 400 series and above, all GCN architecture graphics cards such as Radeon HD 7000 / R200 series, and Intel 6th generation and higher IntelCore processors with integrated graphics such as HD Graphics 500. Also, the higher the video resolution and frame rate, the higher the GPU usage, see Background Removal for more information.
Please note that even if your graphics card supports DirectX12, its performance may be affected by various factors such as driver version, graphics card model, CPU, memory, etc. Being able to run iVCam does not mean that it can run perfectly (Larger video sizes and higher frame rates require higher system performance), please try it before making a judgment. It is recommended to update your graphics card driver to the latest version when using iVCam.
If you are using iVCam along with other GPU-intensive programs such as live streaming programs, the lagging may be caused by poor graphics card or high resolution and frame rate, in this case, we suggest you to use a lower resolution and frame rate for iVCam or live streaming programs.
- For iOS, Allow iVCam app to use Wi-Fi / WLAN in system Settings;
For Android, Allow iVCam app to use Wi-Fi if it's disabled; - Allow iVCam PC client software to use the network in Windows Firewall or turn it off;
- Disable VPN or Proxy on Windows if needed;
- Ensure that your phone is using Wi-Fi / WLAN, instead of using mobile network;
- Ensure that your phone is in the same LAN with your PC and connected to the same router. Do not connect to the signal amplifier Wi-Fi;
- If your phone and PC are both connected to the router via Wi-Fi, make sure they are connected to the same frequency band, such as both are 2.4G Hz or both are 5G Hz;
- Disable the router's AP Isolation, and allow access to the intranet for guest mode;
- Ensure that your phone can be Ping connected by the PC via its IP address;
- Ensure that the Bonjour service is not disabled (which is installed by iVCam and will run automatically, you can start it in windows “Services” app or task manager). No need to block it because it doesn't use CPU too much;
- Enable UDP broadcasting in your router if Bonjour service is not installed or is disabled, iVCam app can detect your PC via UDP broadcasting as well;
- Reboot your router, ^_^
You can also enter your phone's IP address (which can be seen at the bottom of the APP settings) in the PC client to connect directly.
- First, please allow iVCam to pass through the Windows Firewall - you can add it to the firewall allowed apps list (by default iVCam will be automatically added to this list, but sometimes it fails), or turn off the firewall;
- Allow iVCam to use network in 3rd security software, close them if you don't know how to do;
- Disable VPN or Proxy on Windows if needed;
- Disable the router's AP Isolation, and allow access to the intranet for guest mode;
- Ensure that your phone is in the same LAN with your PC and connected to the same router. Do not connect to the signal amplifier Wi-Fi;
- If your phone and PC are both connected to the router via Wi-Fi, make sure they are connected to the same frequency band, such as both are 2.4G Hz or both are 5G Hz;
- The PC can be detected means that they're in the same network, but maybe not in the same network segment. For example, the phone's IP address is 192.168.0.x, while the PC's 192.168.1.x, so they can't connect to each other. You can google "How to connect two different network segments" to find a solution and make them connectable;
- You can also enter your phone's IP address (which can be seen at the bottom of the APP settings) in the PC client to connect directly;
- Connect via USB.
- For iOS: Make sure that the latest iTunes is installed on your PC and it can recognize your iPhone (Google for help if it doesn't);
- For Android: Follow the detailed steps here.
- Disable Wi-Fi on your phone if necessary.
You can check/uncheck hardware decoding in the PC client software's menu and try again.
It is also possible that the video is not displayed in our software, but our camera video can be displayed normally in other software.
Two possible reasons:
- Insufficient transmission speed (Network or USB problem), loss of video data may cause video lag, stuttering, or image corruption;
- Insufficient decoding speed (GPU or CPU is not good), slow video decoding will cause video lag and freezes.
Click the button in iVCam to record video. If the recorded video file is lagging or freezing when played with other players, it means that there is a problem with the transmission. If the playback is smooth and there is no problem, it's the problem of the video decoding.
Connecting with Wi-Fi
- Move your cell phone as close as possible to the wireless router;
- It is strongly recommended that the PC be connected to the router with a network cable. If you are using Wi-Fi, restart your PC and try again;
- iVCam is real-time video streaming and requires high-performance network, maybe the lagging was caused by your router (especially when video lags at regular intervals), and sometimes a reboot for the router will help;
- A high quality router may solve all the problems you encounter with iVCam;
- Connecting via USB cable if the network is not good enought.
Other Suggestions
- You can set the video quality to Medium or Low in the Settings, as high quality requires more bandwidth for transmission. Please also choose a smaller video size and frame rate according to the actual situation;
- Open the system task manager to check the CPU/GPU usage of iVCam, if the percentage of usage is very high, please choose a smaller video size and frame rate, for example, set it to 1280 x 720, 30 fps, instead of 4K, 60 fps;
- Select HEVC video encoder in app settings if it's supported by your phone;
- Enable Hardware Decoding or choose different Hardware Decoder in the PC client software will also help (if your graphics card supports).
- Multi-graphics card users can specify which graphics card is used for iVCam video decoding and background replacement in Settings > Miscs > Preferred GPU, and you can also change the value of the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\e2eSoft\iVCam\DecodeGPU to make the video decoding use a different graphics card than background replacement.
In addition, do not run other programs that consume too much CPU/GPU, and it is recommended to upgrade the graphics card driver to the latest version.
- If you connect through USB, please use a high-quality USB cable or try other USB ports; For iPhones, please make sure you have the latest iTunes installed, and try changing the USB cable or USB port. Also make sure other software that may be connected to your phone via USB cable is not running, such as 3uTools, etc. (uninstall it and restart your computer if necessary).
- If you connect through Wi-Fi, please approach the router as much as possible or use a better router;
- For iPhones, please make sure that the latest iTunes has been installed on the computer;
- You can try to use lower video quality, smaller video size and frame rate;
- In addition, it may be caused by poor computer performance. You can use hardware decoding or select different hardware decoders at the IVCAM client (required graphics card support), and update the driver of your graphics card.
- You can use larger video size, higher video quality or frame rate in iVCam Settings for best quality, which requires higher network bandwidth;
- Be closer to your router if you're using W-Fi for connection;
- It is strongly recommended that the PC be connected to the router with a network cable. If you are using WiFi, restart your PC and try again;
- Connect via USB cable if the network is not good enough.
A solution is to use a shutter speed/frame rate that is slower than the frequency of the AC power.
For example, the AC power is 60 Hz in US and 50 Hz in Europe, so try shooting at frame rate less than that - 30 fps, 25 fps, 24 fps - and a shutter speed that is slower than the AC power frequency.
- For the frame rate, you can change that in iVCam app settings, 25 fps is a good choice for 50 Hz AC power.
- For the shutter speed, you can long press on the video to enable AE / AF LOCK, then swipe up or down on the video to adjust exposure time (shutter speed). You can do this in the Camera Settings window of iVCam PC client as well.
In addition, the screen DPI of the mobile phone is relatively high, so it looks better.
Our program transfers the phone’s original video to PC. As long as you don’t select a low-resolution or low-quality video in the settings, there will be no problem with resolution degradation.
Please check the video recorded by iVCam for the specific video quality transmitted by iVCam to PC, not the display effect.
Regarding the use of iVCam in live video streaming, if the streaming program does not support 4K, even if we set our camera to 4K, it is useless. The streaming program will still reduce our video before broadcasting it, which naturally fails to achieve the desired effect. The same principle applies to the use in other programs.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\e2eSoft\iVCam\FixedFps Change it from 0 to 1 and try again, reboot your PC if needed. You can also modify it directly by running the following command:
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\e2eSoft\iVCam /v FixedFps /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /F
Change it back to 0 if anything wrong.
NOTE: Please try to disable the "Flicker Reduction" in Parallels Desktop if you encounter any problems with DXVA2 and D3D11 hardware acceleration.
To avoid this problem you can:
- Try to use a smaller video size, lower video frame rate and video quality, and don’t turn on beauty function;
- Try to use USB instead of Wi-Fi to transfer video;
- iVCam will automatically dim the screen after a period of time after the video transmission starts to save power (you can also manually dim the screen in the camera settings of PC client);
- Don’t wear a protective case or cover your phone with other items;
- Ensure that the battery of the mobile phone is healthy enough, and replace the battery if necessary;
- Don't charge while using Wi-Fi for video transmission.
- Please try to enable/disable Hardware Decoding in the menu and try again.
Or select a different hardware decoder in Settings > Miscs > Hardware Decoding and try again. - Maybe you're using some webcam protection software, please close it and try again.
- For Windows 10, go to Start > Settings > Privacy > Camera and turn on the switch "Allow apps to access your camera", then run iVCam again.
If the e2eSoft iVCam device could not be found or there're some problems with it:
- For Windows 7 64-bit, please install the system patch KB3033929 according to the iVCam setup application prompt
- Please choose the "Trust" or "Install" when installing iVCam and Windows Security ask you whether to trust us and install the iVCam driver
- If driver installation fails due to driver signing issues, you can disable driver signature enforcement and re-install
You can purchase it by taping the “iVCam” watermark on the video, or the "Purchase" button in app Settings view.
You can use the video format conversion software to convert the recorded MP4 file to fixed frame rate format, and then put it into the video editing software for editing.
If the recorded video can't be opened due to program crash and other reasons, you can try to use the video repair tool to fix it, check here for more details.
You can also:
- Use iVCam Microphone instead of Mobile Phone as the Recording Device in the Settings of the iVCam PC client;
- Use USB connection which is much stable;
- Use smaller video sizes, lower video quality and FPS;
- Use other webcam recording software to record iVCam camera's video, and you can refer here for the sound recording.
Don't choose Mobile Phone in the Settings > Audio > Recording Device of iVCam PC client, just select "Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam)" to record.

Find other cameras in "Imaging devices" of the system device manager, right-click and select Disable Device to disable it. Right-click on it and select Enable Device to re-enable it if you want to use it again.
Find our camera in "Imaging devices" in the system device manager, right-click and select Disable Device to disable it. Right-click on it and select Enable Device to re-enable it if you want to use it again.
If it doesn't work in Windows 10:
It may be caused by the privacy settings, you can open Start > Settings > Privacy > Camera and turn on the "Allow apps to access your camera" switch. Note that in the "Choose which apps can access your camera" list below, if the app you want to use is in the list, turn on the switch at the end.
It is also possible that the default video size, format or frame rate of our camera is not supported by the program. Please modify these settings of our camera to fit it and try again.
Our camera is a standard webcam and can be used in any software or website. If a program cannot use our camera but can use the hardware camera, it is likely that it is blocking our camera on purpose. You can:
- iVCam: Change the device name and try again - In PC client, Settings > Miscs > Device Name
- WeCam: Click here to see more...
- iVCam prompts "Please reinstall iVCam!";
- WeCam prompts "The virtual camera has been disabled!" in the camera panel, but still does not work after clicking the "Enable" button.
Didn’t find an answer? You can check the instructions, send us the log file, or contact us.